Objective : Transformed data, for example log(y), is analyzed to correct normality or equal variance requirements. But we want to report means and standard errors in the original units. SAS example : data one; do treat=1 to 3; do rep=1 to 5; y=10 + treat+ exp(rannor(111)); logy=log(y); output; end;end; run; proc mixed plots=all; class treat; model y=treat; lsmeans treat/pdiff; run; proc mixed plots=all; class treat; model logy=treat; lsmeans treat/pdiff; run; The original data, variable y, might have units of pounds. If a transformation is needed, we simply calculate a new variable by applying a mathematical function known to improve normality or equal variance, and run the same analysis on the new variable. Commonly used choices are listed in the second table below. However, looking at the results for both analyses we see treat Mean Y S...
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