Objective: We are comparing means using ANOVA, and our treatment levels are amounts of something. Thus regression hypotheses may shed light on how the treatments differ, for example is there an overall linear trend for the response variable to increase or decrease with treatment level. This is addressed by adding orthogonal polynomial contrasts to our ANOVA, which may require that we add contrast coefficients.
Example: Treatments are amounts of corn in the diet, specifically 62%, 65%, 68%, 71% and 74%.
SAS: IML product has an orthogonal polynomial calculator. Additional code here attempts to make the coefficients whole numbers by dividing by the smallest non-zero number. Note IML may not be available, depending on your license.
Danda.sas: If you use this collection of SAS macros, then run
Example: Treatments are amounts of corn in the diet, specifically 62%, 65%, 68%, 71% and 74%.
SAS: IML product has an orthogonal polynomial calculator. Additional code here attempts to make the coefficients whole numbers by dividing by the smallest non-zero number. Note IML may not be available, depending on your license.
proc iml;
trtlevels={0.62, 0.65,0.68,0.71,0.74}; **this is only user input;
coeff = coeff[,2:ntrt];
div=abs(coeff); zerloc=loc(div<1e-14);
if nrow(zerloc)>0 then div[zerloc]=1e10; div=div[><,];
clabels={"linear","quadratic","cubic","quartic","quintic","6th","7th","8th", "9th","10th","11th","12th"};
print coeff [rowname=ulab format=best14.9 ];
Danda.sas: If you use this collection of SAS macros, then run
%include 'd:\danda.sas';
%orthpoly(0.62 0.65 0.68 0.71 0.74);
Output is shown here. Advantages of the macro approach are the output is formatted into contrast statements, so can be copied directly into SAS ANOVA procedures (you will have to change the generic "Treat" to match your variable name). And there are two checks at the bottom to test if the coefficients produce valid contrasts (coefficients sum to zero) which are orthogonal to each other. Otherwise essentially the same SAS code above is inside the macro, so IML must be available.R: Code essentially identical to SAS above isThe SAS System Orthogonal Polynomial Coefficients
Contrast 'Linear' Treat -2 -1 0 1 2 ; Contrast 'Quadratic' Treat 2 -1 -2 -1 2 ; Contrast 'Cubic' Treat -1 2 0 -2 1 ; Contrast 'Quartic' Treat 1 -4 6 -4 1 ; Checks that contrast coefficients sum to zero 0 0 0 0 This matrix should have zeros except on diagonal, if contrasts are orthogonal 10 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 70
x=c(0.62,0.65,0.68,0.71,0.74) ###user enters up to 12 treatments, no other changes
degree= length(x)-1
label=c("linear","quadratic","cubic","quartic","quintic","6th","7th","8th", "9th","10th","11th","12th")
zeroloc=(ac < 1e-14)
div=apply(ac,1, min)
div=matrix(1,degree, degree+1)*div
- Relative spacing of the treatments is all that matters, we could have entered the treatment levels as (62, 65, ...), (0, 3, 6...), or even (0, 1, 2...).
- Unequal spacing is allowed, coefficients will adjust correctly. However the values will generally not be whole numbers, be sure to retain about 8 decimal places in order to accuracy.
- Some ANOVA programs allow the user to just specify an option like contrasts=orthpoly, in which case the coefficients are created for you. No need for this post.
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